
Polar GeoData provides IT consulting to support clients improved understanding of their existing computing, networking and storage systems and can support the development of new IT system designs, workflows and architectures needed to enable the clients mission.

Polar GeoData can act as an external consultant to facilitate your existing teams discussions or integrate into an organization’s existing IT team to provide direct support to development and operation teams in their design, implimentation, and integration of new IT services.

Polar GeoData is interested in helping people bringing their ideas to market. We work with researchers to provide consulting and IT services to facilitate successful commercialization of new technology.

Polar GeoData is committed to expanding the high-tech workforce in Alaska. In support of expanding available talent for Polar GeoData and our clients we are committed to a viable Science, Technology, Engineeering, and Mathemetics (STEM) pipeline that expands our local Alaskan workforce.


Polar GeoData supports organizations in their quest to integrate new technologies into their research and operational environments.

Polar GeoData LLC was founded by Dayne Broderson in 2018. Dayne Broderson was a research and operational IT manager at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geographic Information Network of Alaska (UAF-GINA) for 15 year. During that time Dayne performed general and technical management, program development, and outreach for GINA. Dayne has a background in Computer Science (B.S in CS from UAF). Through this experience at GINA Dayne managed systems that receive, process, and distribute near real time satellite data, large geospatial map data, and geospatial application services using systems deployed across multiple data centers in Alaska University campuses in addition to systems within other federal and State of Alaska data centers. Dayne supported multiple research projects to build out cyberinfrastructure capacity across all three University of Alaska campuses. Dayne helped researchers and agency partners find solutions to manage, host and distribute data and services for research and operational use by a wide spectrum of general public, research, and operational users a variety of networks and systems in Alaska.



mailing address:

Polar GeoData
4711 Palo Verde Ave
Fairbanks AK, 99709
